Belgian Chamber Music Ensemble

Núna Ensemble

Núna Ensemble met instrumenten (c) Bart Vanbever
Núna Ensemble in Concertgebouw Brugge, kleur zonder instrumenten


Violins – Reinout Pauwels & Hannah Van Laere

ViolaAna Sofia Sousa

CelloClémence Clarysse

Saxophone – Jeroen Vanbever

We are

a new, Belgian chambermusic ensemble consisting of saxophone and string quartet.
The saxophone was developed by the Belgian inventor, Adolphe Sax, to serve as a bridge between the strings, woodwinds and brass in the symphonic orchestra. An instrument with a sound palette and qualities that blend perfectly with the other instruments in the orchestra. With this idea in mind, Jeroen started this new ensemble mid-2018 with friends, a quintet with saxophone and string quaret.

With this unique formation, the Núna Ensemble wants to explore new boundaries. They strive to bring original repertoire for this line-up and they work with young, Belgian composers to create new repertoire. This special project has already been invited to play at the triennial World Saxophone Conference in Zagreb. In their first program: “Sax & Strings – Crossing Borders” they looked for crossovers between classical, jazz and folk music. Discover the saxophone and string quartet as you have never heard them before.

Núna In Concert

Tour Dates

Mar 17, 2024 - 11h

Eigen Kweek // Zaal Mandela, het Predikheren, Mechelen

Mar 29, 2024 - 20h

Eigen Kweek // Auditorium, Academie Wilrijk

Past Events

Jan 15, 2023

Best of Both Worlds // New Years Concert CC De Steiger, H. Hart-kerk, Boom

Dec 5, 2022

Semi Final Supernova // Dil’Arte, Dilbeek

Oct 1, 2022 – 20h

Best of Both Worlds // Kasteelconcerten, Kapellen

Sep 16, 2022 – 20h

Best of Both Worlds // Sint-Niklaaskerk, Willebroek

May 14, 2022 – 11h30

Private Venue // Sint-Michiels, Bruges

May 6, 2022 – 20h

Originals // Jacobus Cultuurkerk, Gent

Feb 21, 2022 – 11h30

Best of Both Worlds // Klarafestival BOX // De Brouckèreplein, Brussels

Feb 20, 2022 – 11h

Originals // Pulcheria Concerten // Hollands College, Leuven

Nov 21, 2021 – 11h

Crossing Borders // Hendrik Pickeryzaal, Belfort, Bruges

May 2, 2021 – 11h

Crossing Borders // Pulcheria Concerten // Hollands College, Leuven

Sep 26, 2020 – 10h

Private Venue // Lokeren

Mar 6, 2020 – 20h

Crossing Borders // deSingel, Antwerp

Feb 1, 2020 – 20h30

Crossing Borders // Theater M, Mechelen

Listen & Watch


Núna Ensemble plays Children’s Songs, No. 7 by Chick Corea

Núna Ensemble plays Children’s Songs, No. 6 by Chick Corea

Núna Ensemble plays Children’s Songs, No. 19 by Chick Corea

Núna Ensemble plays Children’s Songs, No. 18 by Chick Corea




“In een combinatie van een klassiek strijkkwartet met saxofoon brengt het ensemble vijf hedendaagse composities waar grensvervaging troef is. Klassiek, filmmuziek, jazz en soms naar rock verwijzende cadansen maken van dit concert een boeiende belevenis.”

– Geert Ryssen voor Jazz & Mo’

Núna Ensemble in concert in deSingel (c) Bart Vanbever

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Núna Ensemble in Concertgebouw Brugge, kleur zonder instrumenten

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